No. VHF radios operate in the VHF 136-174 MHz range and UHF radios operate in the UHF 400-470 MHz range. Since radios need to operate on the same frequency in order to talk to each other, it is impossible to match their frequencies. FRS radios are the same; VHF Radios are used mainly in outdoor applications which have few obstructions and can be used in line of sight (Boats on water, Oil fields or Motorcyclists for example) and under these circumstances the radio frequencies will travel further. UHF Radios are used when working in and around buildings or are faced with other obstructions as the frequencies penetrate walls, steel structures and the “other” obstructions better. FCC regulations require all radios operating on business band frequencies 1 watt or more to require a license (LUITON professional two way radios operate at 4-5 Watts). Instructions for obtaining a license are included with each package. It is up to the user to obtain the license. A license is NOT required to purchase a radio and can be done easily after receipt of delivery. FRS or Family radios operating at 1/2 watt or less do not require a license. (CTCSS/DCS) Private Line or Digital Private Line. These codes let the users receive only the calls accompanied by the radio’s code and to place calls only to those that accept the code. PL or DPL codes help eliminate disruptive conversations of others who may be sharing radio frequencies. If LUITON radio is to program to your specific frequencies it is essential that we have your DPL or PL codes otherwise your radios will not communicate with one another. With consumer model radios (FRS Family), anyone can tune into your radio band and be able to hear your conversation. Professional radios offer encryption function and we can also program your radios for privacy (an easy to obtain FCC license will be needed for this feature). Two way radio Coverage is dependent on power, antenna height and terrain. On-site portable radios will typically cover from 1 –5 miles in radius (4-5 Watt UHF / VHF radios), while wide-area radios can offer coverage up to a 30-mile radius with a repeater. One should expect about 1 mile with a FRS or Family Style radio. Cost and group contact capabilities. Two-way radios are easy to use with a push-to-talk feature which enables the user to communicate instantly with anyone or an entire user group on the network. Two-way radios are designed to be utilized in extreme conditions and offer rugged features. There are no monthly fees or per minute airtime costs regardless of your talk time usage amount.GENERAL QUESTIONS